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Brand Name Survey

1Your Company
2Your Brand Name

In Your Own Words…

While our creative team will leverage our branding and veterinary industry expertise to inform our process, we will develop your brand identity largely based on your insight and direction. In this survey, we ask that you provide as much information to work with as possible. Don’t worry if the information hasn’t been fully developed, that’s what you have us for! We will pull keywords and themes from your responses to craft your brand attributes and name.
Please help us define your target audience. This may seem like a “who” question, but what we’re really looking for is the “why” of your business. Why is your target audience going to opt to do business with or partner with you? What about who they are and who you are aligns?
Please help us define 3-5 of your operating principles (also known as brand pillars). These principles should be considered the backbone of your business and the framework that drives your employees and partners. For example: Put Customers First, Earn Trust, Act As An Owner, etc.
Please help us define 2-3 of your value propositions. While your operating principles are high-level, value propositions are closer to the core of your business. What specific value does your company provide to the target audience? For example: Chewy is an online retailer selling pet-related products, but their primary value propositions are systematic delivery service and hassle-free returns.
Tell us the number one thing that differentiates you from your competition. Hint: if it’s the first thing that comes to mind, that’s probably your X factor.
Please help us define your brand voice. How would you like to be perceived by your target audience, your partners, and the market competition? Your answer to this can be as simple as a list of adjectives you feel best represent who you want to be, and we’ll take it from there. For example: Are you a veterinary game changer or a practical partner?