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Performance Management

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What if You Could Make Managing Your Team Easier and More Productive?

We get that when you’re knee-deep in managing the day-to-day, tracking employee performance and sitting down to have regular check-ins with each team member seems like a luxury you can’t afford. The problem is you really can’t afford to blow it off, either—because good and consistent performance management helps minimize turnover and the likelihood you will need to take corrective actions. When employees aren’t recognized, given the chance to make changes, or aren’t clear about what’s expected of them, hospital-wide issues are unlikely to be resolved and eventually you’ll find yourself bogged down in staff issues that have festered and become much bigger problems.


Service Overview

Performance Management

Our HR & Team Managers are uniquely qualified to help you set up a performance management structure that will work with YOUR team. This includes a performance communication system to help you keep team members engaged, create an accountability structure, and identify areas of opportunity. We’ll work through tough conversations ahead of time and tackle the lion’s share of the work for you. With our extensive toolkit, we can also build employee disciplinary documentation where all you need to do is fill in the blanks!

The Difference

Our performance management standards are built to maintain an employee-centric and client-focused culture. Our HR & Team Managers believe in giving each team member the tools to succeed and in firm accountability. This makes it easier for you keep star performers and manage out those who are dragging down your team. One of the best features of our HR & Team consulting is that you are not alone—our team of professionals have walked in your Crocs and clogs and will make themselves available to chat about crises as they arise.

ready when you are

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Hiring and retaining the right people is hard. 49% of Practice Managers report support staff training is their most difficult challenge.

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