Identifying, Training, and Supporting the Leaders of Your Practice Pack is Essential to Your Long-term Success.
Your team’s supervisors can make your hospital the premier place of employment or they can make it a pariah—and between word of mouth and ubiquitous online employer reviews, this can really affect not only client experience but recruitment efforts. Unfortunately, most supervisors aren’t in their role because they are great leaders, but instead because they were great techs or great receptionists. If they’re not offered leadership training and support, they can quickly ruin an excellent team, driving out the best performers and making it difficult to hire new ones.
Service Overview
Supervisor Skills
We know that “tone at the top” leadership is crucial in making a hospital run smoothly, so we want to ensure that the message from your leaders is in line with desired hospital culture. Our HR & Team Managers do that by first embedding themselves in your operations to get an informed view into your leadership team’s biggest opportunities for improvement. We then work with each leader to identify their personal strengths and challenges. Most importantly, we’ll provide guidance in all supervisor and managerial skill areas, including positive communication, leading after a promotion, providing constructive feedback, managing difficult personalities, and more.
The Difference
Again, our HR Team excels in this area because of their deep veterinary-specific experience. We have a proven track record of success with a diverse pool of managers nationwide ranging from brand new supervisors to entrenched veterans. There is no “one size fits all” approach at iVET360; we know change is hard and we don’t force it. We will instead collaborate with you to provide customized solutions. Something you also won’t find anywhere else is our extensive foundational leadership resources exclusively available from the HR pros at iVET360.